Why is visual content important in marketing?

According to statistics, 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual; 65% of people are visual learners and the brain can process visual information 60,000times faster than texts. Hence, the need for visual content marketing strategy. Making use of good visuals can improve your search engine ranking because they get higher engagement which gives more brand awareness. Visuals trigger reactions from the audience which is a good thing for the business. It creates stronger brand awareness on a personal level with the audiences even outside your marketing scope. In addition, it leads to higher lead generation if the contents’ quality is of high standard.

Visual content marketing strategies

Having a perfect marketing campaign requires the right planning and execution of the strategy. Even the most boring content can be brought to life with the right visual content marketing strategy. To achieve marketing success, below is a step-by-step guide on how to create a winning visual content marketing strategy.

1. Identify your audience

Visual content marketing_identify audience

For successful visual content marketing, you need to know who will see it or the demographics of the likely target audience. You need to identify with them and put yourself in their place to get in their mind. Ask yourself the following:

  • Who is my audience?
  • What do they need?
  • How best to reach them?
  • What level of knowledge do they possess?

2. Choose formats wisely

visual content marketing_choose format

One story idea can both lead to a successful visual content marketing campaign or a disaster if the format used does not suit the story. Some ideas are suited for certain formats and if not used, could end the campaign before it begins. Also, choose formats early since it can alter the way a story is being told. Another perk of choosing a format early is the differences in making formats. Knowing what type of format your marketing idea needs on time will give a clear path to follow.

3. Select the right channels

Visual content marketing_select the right channels

Determining the channels for content distribution before creating them is a step towards a successful marketing campaign. If you understand your audience, you will provide the right information via the right channels for them. Like they say, “even the best content will fail if no one sees it”.

For example, if your target audience is youths between the ages of 17-30 years old, you should know that social media will be the center of your visual content marketing. The use of influencers, social accounts, sponsored posts and many more will be required.

4. Nail your design

Visual content marketing_nail designs

Probably the single most important part of your visual content marketing strategy is having a quality content design. Design is so important in visual content because it is the yardstick of measuring success or failure since it carries the weight of the whole marketing campaign.

Your design should tell the story idea, distinguish your brand from competitors by including logo, colors, fonts and other brand elements. It must create a cohesive look in line with your brand identity. You can use this BGremover to remove and change your contents’ background to suit your brand’s identity.

5. Measure the statistics

Visual content marketing_measure the statistics

Any content can break the internet and receive millions of views or cause an influx of visitors to a website. However, page views alone do not guarantee success for visual content marketing. Measuring other stats important for the long run is the key to measure success. These stats include: conversion rate, audience interactions through clicks, likes, shares, followings, comments and time spent on Page and completion rate.

6. Strategically optimize your content

Visual content marketing_optimize content

To get your content in front of your audience, you need SEO best practices. Optimize your content for SEO to put you in the forefront of your audience. Employ the use of the right keywords and #hashtags on social media. The key is to distribute your content across all channels following the channels' styles. Removing background from image and using a background with a solid color to highlight main elements are also effective SEO practices.

Visual content marketing examples

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From the image, Coca-Cola’s brand identity is evident across the three adverts. The wordmark, Coca-Cola, serving as the company’s logo is present, the image of the drink is present and the color elements (red, white and black) are present in all the adverts. Further, the theme of each campaign is clearly written and depicted either with images or symbols to enforce the message. Overall, there is consistency in the visual content that the audience will likely identify the brand without seeing the logo or company’s name.


There is more to having a successful visual content marketing campaign than slapping images and words together as proven through the various visual content marketing statistics listed in this article. Having the right strategy, the right team for execution, plus a handy tools like VanceAI BGremover, the right visual content will guarantee success. Do it right, do it better by following this guide.

Also read: 8 Best Black and White Background Websites Recommended


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Jayden Harper
Jayden Harper
I am an amateur photographer. I am keen on learning new knowledge of photography and sharing some tips with everyone.