How to whiten the background of a photo?

Without further ado, here is how you can easily whiten photo background using AI. To whiten background online only takes 4 steps, so follow along with us while we explain how to whiten the background of a photo with BGremover

Step 1: Upload an Image

Upload your image to begin to whiten picture background on BGremover. You can drag and drop your desired image onto the site, or upload it from your files. The image may take a few seconds to process before you can whiten photo background. 

whiten photo background with BGremover step 1

Step 2: Go to BGremover Workspace

Once you have processed your image, this will take you to BGremover Workplace. Select ‘edit’ from the menu to begin removing the background of your image. This will create a transparent image background so you can whiten background of photo. 

BGremover Workspace

Step 3: Edit Image

 Now you have removed the background of your photo, you can select a new background from our helpful menu. Click the edit icon from the right side of the screen to whiten picture background. Or you now can go to the page with Transparent Background Maker to make further editing work.

whiten photo background_BGremover step 3

Step 4: Change a Background Color

Click on the background penal, then choose the white color from all the color options available. You can preview your image here. Once you are happy with the final output, download your whiten picture background result by clicking the button in the bottom right corner. 

whiten photo background_BGremover step 4

Also read Why a Plain White Background is Best for a Product Picture.

BGremover Output Review

Unlike many services that whiten photo online,  BGremover - AI background remover keeps the image quality high even after you’ve whiten background of photo. This leads to great results every time. After you’ve whitened photo background, the image is perfect for posting to your social media or using as a product photo. 

whiten photo background_BGremover output


When it comes to whiten background online, BGremover is fast, easy, and treats your images well. As well as wondering how to whiten the background of a photo, you may be wondering how all this is possible…. The whole process is powered by AI that isolates the object of your photo. This is done using color, as well as light and shadows, to remove background from image. Then you can whiten picture background with no hassle, all thanks to AI.

VanceAI also provides a range of other tools not just to whiten background of photo, but to restore, sharpen and enlarge images too. For this and more, check out our AI photo editing site. Also, read Top 5 Online Tools to Create Transparent Bakcground.


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Jayden Harper
Jayden Harper
I am an amateur photographer. I am keen on learning new knowledge of photography and sharing some tips with everyone.